Dr. Carroccia's Update



Dental schools

We were updated by both dental school deans.  Both report a cost in line with the national average: Meharry is $250K; UT in state is $220K and out of state is $290K.


The five year plan to phase out the professional tax seems to be moving along towards it passage.

The pediatrician/ RDH bill seems like it may pass because it has kids attached to it.  The pediatric dentists are opposed, the pediatricians are not impressed and the TDA is neutral.  To those who are unfamiliar with this bill, it allow a RDH to work for a dentist, in a pediatricians’ office, to do fluorides, sealants and screenings.   Much like the nursing home bill, it is expected to not see much participation- if any.

It has been discussed to award hour for hour continuing education for volunteering with a limit of eight hours.

There is a water district fluoridation bill to defer all anti-fluoridation legislation.

There is a bill about impaired providers, whereas a license would be suspended immediately if suspected.  We are trying to get out of it as it works off the reverse principle of guilty until proven innocent.

We can expect the ethics/jurisprudence exam next year as the holdup was changing companies.

The BOD wishes to proceed with sedation permit holders being inspected.  We are trying to find a common ground based upon scientific evidence in lieu of a political climate decision.

Oral Health Initiatives

There is a need for more providers to sign up for the Ryan White Program to treat individuals with HIV/AIDS.


The ADA will be raising their dues next year by $10.

The TDA will raise theirs by $25.  The last TDA increase was 3 years ago so this would represent an annual increase of 2%.  The main reason is technology and other increases that are needed since the retirement of the past Executive Director.

Dues can still be paid by installments, and online!



Annual Meeting

This is the 150th Annual Meeting of the TDA!

Come to Gatlinburg and see what the new TDA is doing and see how our brethren are recovering from their disaster.  They need us!

An app is ready for Android and is in final stages for iPhone.

Save the dates: May 4-6, 2018 in Franklin, TN.


We are working hard at streamlining a board orientation process for the future leaders.

Our new ED, Mike Dvorak, has seen great enthusiasm on the dentists’ part as he smoothly has taken over the role and leads us into the current times successfully.

Dr. Richard Dycus of Cookeville will assume the TDA Presidency in May.  He has a long track record as a hard worker in organized dentistry and will serve us all well.

It is recommended that each dentist create/update his/her profile on the ADA’s Find-A-Dentist website.